Széchenyi Pályázat 2020

Hall building foundation work - This is how we build. Part 1

In this series we show how we build our buildings. Whether it's an office building, storage hall, plant hall, grain storage or stable, our company takes the project through from planning to construction and commissioning.

In the first part, we present a typical flat paving job.

For hall buildings, we typically use flat paving solutions if the ground conditions allow it. Due to the frame nature of the buildings, we prepare reinforced or non-reinforced block foundations to accommodate the point loads from the superstructure. In most cases, these are able to hold the loads from the superstructure of a typical office building, storage hall, plant hall, grain storage or barn. Of course, there may be warehouses, factory buildings, and office buildings where the geometric parameters, which may be span, height or number of levels, makes some other foundation method necessary, but these rarely occur.

The steps of a typical fundation task have been summarized in the following video.

If you are facing a similar hall construction project, be it an office building, storage hall, plant hall, grain storage or stable building, contact us with confidence! Request a design, production, or construction offer so that you too can have a raster hall! We have a raster hall for everything!

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For further references, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages, where you can see our current office building, storage hall, plant hall, grain storage or barn construction works, as well as our steel structure production and design projects.

You can view the Sóskút warehouse here among our works.